August 22

Podcast 049: Dr. Bruce Lipton: How Pregnancy Influences Your Child’s Genes | Epigenetics

​Each week, I publish a new podcast episode where I interview a different expert in the prenatal, natural childbirth & pediatric care field.

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My guest today on “Healthy Births, Happy Babies” is Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of the bestselling book: The Biology of Belief, former allopathic medical school professor and research scientist and thought leader in the field of epigenetics, human development and conscious parenting.3 boxes HBHB WordPress Art-Bruce Lipton

In this episode, we will cover:

  1. why Dr. Lipton refers to pregnancy as nature’s “Head Start” program and how the prenatal experience prepares the baby for the world that the mother perceives it to be
  2. how the environment that a child experiences in the first 6 years of life is so crucial to their health and wellbeing for the rest of their life
  3. what you as a parent can do right now to shift your environment so that your child grows up healthier and happier

Resources mentioned in the conversation:

Bio: About Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of the bestseller: The Biology of Beliefwas a former allopathic medical school professor and research scientist.

His pioneering research on cloned stem cells at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine presaged the revolutionary field of epigenetics, the new science of how environment and perception control your genes.

In recognition of his contributions to the fields of embryology and human development, the Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health elected Dr. Lipton to their Board of Directors.

Bruce has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a popular keynote speaker and workshop presenter on topics of conscious parenting and the science of complementary medicine.



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