Parenthood can be a overwhelming experience for any new dad. If you don't have training, guidance and support along the way, you can feel lonely, stressed and depressed.
But Dadhood should be a fun & rewarding experience where you feel connected with your kids, you're enjoying teaching and guiding them and you're loving your life with them.
After talking with new parents in my practice for over 20 years...after interviewing experts on my other podcast "Healthy Births, Happy Babies" for over 5 years, AND after becoming a parent myself (my son is 7 years old now), I want to help support new dads be the best they can be.
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Podcast episodes
On "The Dadhood Journey" podcast, I bring my own first-hand, dadhood experiences as well as lessons learned by others to you so that you can learn, grow and improve yourself day-by-day as a man, a partner and a dad.
I do short, 8-10 minute episodes on specific topics and longer interview episodes where guests share their knowledge about parenting, fatherhood and other aspects of life that Dads want to know more about.
and everywhere else you listen to podcasts...
Online Courses
I teach classes that help Dads navigate some of the most important life changes a man will ever go through.
If you're a "Dad-to-be" and you're waiting for your baby to arrive, I will tell you how to best support your partner in that last trimester and how to prepare for the birth to be an AMAZING experience for all of you.
To help you with the first few days, weeks and months of parenthood, I will tell you what it's REALLY like and what you REALLY need to know before you get in the trenches of this overwhelming and stressful time.
And to help you with arguably the most important transformation you will ever go through, I walk you through processes to that will guide you through the 5 major transitions of fatherhood.

Groups & Memberships
We were NEVER meant to do parenting alone. But nowadays many men feel isolated as they try to figure out how to Dad.
But you're NOT alone!
I've created groups where like-minded Dads come together to share their experiences in life and parenting.
In a tribe, we can all share the load, learn from each other and become better Dads for our children.

Join our Tribe:
Listen to the Latest TDJ Episode:
Here is the FULL list of our podcast episodes to listen to right here on the website:
(or you can Subscribe in the podcast players listed above)