One of the best pregnancy class investments you can make!
In a study* where over 4,350 pregnant women used Prenatal Bonding techniques throughout their pregnancy, these women:
experienced less anxiety and pain during labor
less effort giving birth and fewer complications
decreased need for obstetrical interventions and c-sections
a low degree of birth trauma
"excessive infant crying is unknown after Prenatal Bonding"
babies slept longer and deeper at night with few awakenings
postpartum depression was less than 1% in the Prenatal Bonding mothers
Babies were easy to communicate with, showed curiosity and emotional stability
Just a few minutes each day
will help strengthen your Mother-Child bond getting you ready for birth
with Dr. Jay Warren
now only $47 for the full course!
with the Bonus modules 'For Dads' and 'Healing from Within' ($78 value included for FREE!)
Your Baby is Listening & Learning from You in Your Womb.
Your Baby Wants to Connect with You Right Now!

Calmer, Healthier Pregnancy for You and Baby
Your baby is marinading in your womb right now. Don't you want your baby to grow & develop inside you when you're more calm and relaxed?
These "Connecting with Baby" processes will help you to create that peaceful environment for you and Baby.

Safer Birth that is Gentler on You and Baby
After 9 months of pregnancy, now comes the big day - the day when you birth your baby into the world and you get to finally hold them in your arms!
Studies show the more calm and confident a woman is when she goes into labor, the quicker and easier the birth is for her (and for Baby).

Easier Transition into Motherhood
Once your baby arrives in the world, these methods of strengthening your Mother-Baby bond will allow you to soothe your baby better.
This means better sleep for Baby (and you!), better feeding & digestion and more of the fun, interactive play time together you've been dreaming of.
Hi Mom!
If you’re like most of the new moms I work with, you’re nervous about those first few days and weeks when you bring Baby home.
"How do I know what to do?"
"What if my baby is one of those that cries & fusses all the time?"
"What if I can’t figure out how soothe my baby?"
The truth is, you’ll never know everything there is to know on Day 1. Not because you haven’t read enough books or taken the right classes. But because it takes time for you and your baby to get to know each other.
But research shows that there are methods that you can do right NOW, during your pregnancy, that can help you feel calmer and more confident with your baby and for your baby to feel more relaxed and soothed by you. Then Day 1 is going to be that much easier for you both.
I want that for you and your baby right from the start of your lives together and I'd love to teach you how.
Be Well,
Dr. Jay Warren
Prenatal & Pediatric Chiropractor
"Healthy Births, Happy Babies" podcast host

- over 5 hours of video content
- 3 guided visualizations to help you with these Prenatal Bonding techniques
- extensive Resources List to help you explore further
- and get 2 Free BONUS Modules: "For Dads" and "Healing from Within"
Dr. Jay Warren has interviewed more than 79 experts on his podcast.
Now he is going to share with you what these masters in healthy pregnancy, natural childbirth, epigenetics, pre and perinatal psychology and early childhood development say are the most important things you can do for your baby!

"The Biology of Belief"

"The Happiest Baby on the Block"

"From Womb to World"

This 7 Module Course includes:
All of this for $149 $47!
Begin Your Prenatal Mother-Baby Bonding Experience NOW!

Dr. Bruce Lipton
“Your children’s genes reflect only their potential, not their destiny. It is up to you to provide the environment that allows them to develop to their highest potential.”
from The Biology of Belief

Dr. Thomas Verny
“In fact, the great weight of the scientific evidence that has emerged over the last decade demands that we reevaluate the mental and emotional abilities of unborn children. Awake or asleep, the studies show, they (unborn children) are constantly tuned in to their mother’s every action, thought, and feeling. From the moment of conception, the experience in the womb shapes the brain and lays the groundwork for personality, emotional temperament, and the power of higher thought.”
from Pre-Parenting: Nurturing Your Child from Conception